Washington DC Dentist

Healthy Dietary Choices For Your Child’s Oral Health | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

Our children’s oral health can be affected by many factors. Among these factors are their DNA, brushing and flossing habits, dental visits, diet, breathing, and other habits. As our children grow their diets and eating habits evolve. Let’s explore healthy dietary choices to keep in mind when making those new meal plans.  Foods and beverages […]

Building Your Baby’s Smile On a Healthy Foundation | Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry

Did you know that your parents’ oral hygiene routine for you as an infant or the habits you had as a small child could have had an effect on your smile even as an adult? Here, we will discover ways you can give your child a healthy foundation for their smile by creating healthy habits.    […]

Hypodontia…Your Child’s Missing Teeth Should Not Be a Problem | Children’s Dentistry in Washington DC 2003

When children lose their baby teeth, it’s a rite of passage, but what happens when a permanent tooth doesn’t develop? A condition known as hypodontia is fairly common and treatable. When your child’s pediatric dentist mentions that your child is missing a tooth or teeth, you probably want to know what it means for his […]

Concerned About White Spots on Your Child’s Teeth? Pediatric Dentist 20003

Have you noticed white spots on your child’s teeth? Numerous factors can lead to white spots or discoloration on the teeth. Among these are illnesses and infections, vitamin deficiencies, excessive fluoride, and even trauma to the teeth. In many instances, these white spots are not harmful to their teeth, but they can make your child […]

Don’t Wait to Treat Your Child’s Abscessed Tooth | Pediatric Dentist in Washington DC

Children may complain of a toothache, a bad taste in their mouth, or a bump on their gums. These symptoms may indicate that your child has an abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth is a dental emergency, but fortunately, it is completely treatable and preventable. What is an abscessed tooth? An abscessed tooth occurs when the […]

7 Common Myths About Baby Teeth | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

With kids, their smiles are constantly evolving and developing. There are a lot of changes between the time the first tooth erupts and the moment the last permanent tooth makes its debut. Children’s smiles have so much going on that it is no wonder several myths have emerged about children’s teeth. As pediatric dental specialists, […]

My Kids Knocked Out Their Tooth! Now What? | Pediatric Dentist Washington DC

Ahhh, childhood. It’s fun and games until someone loses a tooth. Kids can be active indoors and outdoors all year round. Sports, skating parks, bounce house parties, climbing trees, jumping off swings, and even playing PE at school can all cause your child to knock their teeth loose or even knock them out! Dental health […]

Are My Child’s Medications Affecting Their Mouth? | Pediatric Dentist Washington DC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that about 20% of children regularly take prescription medications. Over the years, the number of children who take medication prescribed by a doctor has steadily increased. Some medicines may harm your child’s dental health. Our team will better adapt our treatment plan if we know about […]

Navigating the Teething Stage | Dentist Washington DC

Teething is a natural and necessary part of your child’s growth. However, knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to handle. Teething can make your baby cranky and fussy, and can be the cause of many sleepless nights. If your baby has started teething, or if you are trying to prepare for the onset of […]

Encouraging Healthy Dental Habits for Teens | Pediatric Dentist in 20003

The teenage years bring with them greater independence and with that independence comes more choices to be made. Friends begin to exert a greater influence over diet and lifestyle habits than parents at this age. Because teens still need to follow good oral health habits, follow these tips to help preserve healthy smiles during this […]