Making the Most of Your Child’s First Tooth Loss: A Guide for Parents | Pediatric Dentist Capitol Hill

Are you the parent of a child that is about to lose a baby tooth? Losing a baby tooth is a milestone for a child and a time of great excitement. To help make the experience as fun and stress-free as possible, here is a guide for losing baby teeth. 

Start by Understanding What’s Happening 

The first step in understanding how to lose a baby tooth is to understand what is happening. Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, are the first set of teeth that a child will get. As the child grows, these teeth will start to loosen and eventually fall out. This process is known as exfoliation. 

It is important to note that the process of losing baby teeth is different for every child. Some children may start to lose teeth as early as age 4, while others may not start until age 7. It is also normal for children to lose teeth in different orders. 

Preparing for the Big Day 

Once you have a better understanding of what is happening, it is time to start preparing for the big day. The best way to do this is to make sure that your child is comfortable with the process. Talk to them about what to expect and help them to understand that losing a tooth is a fun milestone. 

It is also helpful to talk to your child about the Tooth Fairy. Explain to them that the Tooth Fairy is a magical being that visits children’s homes to collect lost teeth. Make sure to tell your child that the Tooth Fairy will leave a small gift in exchange for the tooth. 

Encourage Good Oral Hygiene 

In the weeks leading up to the big day, encourage your child to practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing regularly, and eating a healthy diet. 

It is also important to schedule regular visits to the dentist. A dentist can help to monitor your child’s oral health and make sure that their teeth are healthy and ready to come out. 

Be Ready for the Big Day 

Once your child’s tooth has come loose, it is time for the big day. Make sure to have a container ready for the tooth so that your child can put it in a safe place. 

If your child is nervous about losing the tooth, you can also provide some encouragement. Let them know that it is a normal milestone and that many children go through it. 

Celebrating the Milestone 

Once the tooth is out, it is time to celebrate! Make sure to have a small gift ready for your child from the Tooth Fairy. This could be a toy, a book, or a small amount of money. 

You can also take the opportunity to celebrate with a special activity. This could be baking a cake, going out to dinner, or having a movie night. 

Losing a baby tooth is a big milestone for a child. With the right preparation and understanding, the process can be a fun and exciting experience. Follow this guide to help make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Contact our pediatric dental office today to schedule your child’s next appointment. 

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

A Stress-Free Dental Visit: The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry for Children | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to help children manage the anxiety and fear that often accompany dental visits. Sedation dentistry is used to help children relax during dental procedures, making it easier for the dentist to perform the necessary work. It can also help reduce the fear and discomfort associated with certain procedures. 

For many children, a dental visit can be a stressful experience. The sights and sounds of the dental office can be overwhelming and intimidating. Sedation dentistry allows children to remain calm and relaxed during their dental visits, making the experience much less stressful. 

Sedation dentistry is typically done with either oral sedation or IV sedation. Oral sedation is the most common type of sedation used for children. This type of sedation is usually administered in pill form and is administered in advance of the procedure. The sedative helps children relax and reduces their anxiety so that they can remain calm throughout the procedure. 

IV sedation is a more intense form of sedation. It is administered intravenously and is typically used for more complex procedures. IV sedation enables the child to remain deeply sedated throughout the entire procedure. This type of sedation is more commonly used for more extensive procedures such as the placement of braces or the removal of wisdom teeth. 

Sedation dentistry is generally safe for children. The medications used are typically very safe and have few side effects. The sedatives used for oral sedation are not habit-forming and there is no risk of overdose. IV sedation carries a slightly higher risk, but the risk is still very low. All sedatives used in dentistry are administered by a trained professional and are monitored closely to ensure safety. 

In addition to being safe, sedation dentistry can also be beneficial for children. It can help reduce the fear and anxiety associated with dental visits, making them a more pleasant experience. It can also make the procedure itself easier and more comfortable for the child. Sedation can also help reduce the risk of injury since the child will remain still throughout the procedure. 

Overall, sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way to help children manage the fear and anxiety associated with dental visits. While there is a slight risk associated with IV sedation, the risk is still very low. The sedatives used for oral sedation are generally safe and are not habit-forming. Sedation dentistry can make a dental visit less stressful and more comfortable for children. For more information, please contact Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry today. 

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

Kid-Friendly Snacks for Good Oral Health | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

As a parent, you are aware of certain foods that are unsuitable for your child’s teeth. You probably know some of the food choices that a pediatric dentist would recommend your child stay away from as they develop strong and healthy teeth. Your children should avoid two types of snacks: soda and other sugary drinks, as well as chewy candy, such as taffy and caramels, which stick to their teeth and cause the enamel to erode. However, what about those snacks that do not appear to be harmful to children’s teeth? What is included in that category?

If your child enjoys junk food, there are healthy alternatives that taste just as delicious. Listed below are a few options to get you started. 

Low-fat Yogurt with Berries 

A premade parfait can be high in sugar, fat, and artificial flavors. Reduce fat and calories by making your own parfaits at home with plain low-fat yogurt. With this combination of foods, you get a balanced meal full of protein, calcium, and fiber. All of these nutrients contribute to the development of strong bones and teeth. Additionally, berries contain antioxidants, which are very beneficial to the body.

Celery Sticks with Cream Cheese and Sunflower Seeds 

It is common for kids to do whatever they can to avoid eating vegetables. Have you ever considered pairing vegetables with a snack they enjoy? Children will find celery more appealing if it is flavored with cream cheese. Celery is fibrous and gently scrubs the teeth as it is chewed. As an added benefit, sunflower seeds contain magnesium and vitamin B.

Hummus with Toasted Whole-grain Pita 

Over the years, this snack has become increasingly popular. In addition to being delicious, it is also beneficial for your child’s dental health. As hummus prevents sugar from sticking to your teeth, it reduces the risk of cavities. It is more nutritionally beneficial to consume whole grains rather than white bread, which contains more sugar.

Cheddar Cheese and Apples 

You can serve your child a tasty snack by placing cheddar cheese and apples on a whole-grain cracker. Apples are high in fiber and water, which will help wash away bacteria and food particles. Cheddar cheese provides an additional source of calcium for your child’s teeth.

Make sure your child’s snack includes a bottle of water. After eating, it will remove any sugar, bacteria, or plaque that may have been left on the teeth.

Be sure to schedule regular dental appointments for your children, as their teeth are constantly evolving. Contact Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry today to learn more about healthy food options.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

The Benefits of Restoring Baby Teeth | Pediatric Dentist in Capitol Hill, DC

In most cases, parents become concerned about their child’s teeth after the baby teeth have fallen out and the adult teeth have grown in. Recent discussions have focused on whether this is the best approach to taking care of a child’s dental health. In recent years, a number of dental health professionals have advocated taking action earlier, when the teeth are still baby teeth.

The following are a few reasons why baby teeth should be restored:

Nutritional Factors

The right nutrition is essential as your child grows and develops. When a child’s teeth aren’t in proper condition, chewing becomes difficult, making it harder for them to eat and ingest food. A child who spits out food or who doesn’t chew correctly may have dental issues that need to be addressed.

Upon verification of your child’s dental condition, the pediatric dentist will be able to take the appropriate action to remedy it. It is also important to inform the pediatric dentist of your child’s eating habits and whether they have difficulty chewing.

Speech Development

The teeth play a key role in the development of speech. As your child makes sounds and turns those sounds into words, their teeth will be used more and more. In order to achieve optimal results, teeth should be shaped properly and be free from painful cavities and deformities. When you notice that your child is making strange sounds when they should be able to piece together words, it may be a sign that they have a dental condition that is affecting their development.

Baby Teeth Should Last for Years.

Around the age of 11 or 12, most children have lost their baby teeth. Therefore, your child will have to use their baby teeth for about 9 years. When a tooth decays, it is unable to fulfill its function of providing chewing and speech abilities to your child. You should therefore seriously consider restoring your child’s teeth if they have oral health concerns. If you take action early, you can ensure that your child has healthy teeth well into their teen years.

The Spread of Infection is Possible.

The most important reason to fix your child’s problematic teeth is that an infection can spread. In the event that your child has a large cavity, the cavity will press down into the gums and into the root of the tooth. Your child’s teeth are at risk of falling out, thereby making it difficult for them to chew properly.

Additionally, your child may experience severe pain that can only be alleviated by removing the tooth or performing extensive dental work. However, it is important that you do not allow your child’s dental condition to deteriorate to this point. The best solution is to seek dental care as soon as possible. We invite you to schedule an appointment with our pediatric dental office today so that your child can grow up with a beautiful smile that will last a lifetime.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

0 – 12 Months of Your Baby’s Smile | Pediatric Dentist in Capitol Hill

Seeing your baby smile, especially for the first time, is one of the most rewarding experiences of parenthood. At that moment, everything seems worth it—the sleepless nights, the diaper changes, the newborn stress. As you beam back, you will have a silly grin on your face as you try to recreate the smile.

A first grin—even if it’s a “gas smile”—isn’t just for mom’s ego. As important as it is for the baby, it is an important developmental milestone for mom as well. In the first year of your baby’s life, you’ll be able to see their grins as they express pleasure, communicate with you, and develop a sense of humor:

How to Understand Your Baby’s Smile from 0-12 Months:

0–6 weeks (Reflexive): These smiles appear when the baby is getting drowsy, experiencing REM sleep, or simply passing gas. Often more of a grimace than a smile, these smiles last no longer than a few seconds. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it!

6-8 weeks (Responsive): This smile indicates pleasure. It occurs when mom’s voice is heard, when they see your face, or when you cuddle with them. Be careful not to get too excited. A lopsided smile is just a reaction to sensory experience, but social smiles are on their way!

Around 2-3 months (Social): Now your baby smiles on purpose, usually in recognition of someone special, such as a parent, sibling, or family pet. This baby’s smile is more symmetrical, lasts longer, and involves the entire face. Pay attention to the eyes in particular. Social smiles are all about engagement, and the baby expects a response.

6 months (undiscriminating): During this period, the baby just enjoys smiling. It doesn’t matter if it’s with family or strangers. Everything elicits an approving grin.

9 months (selective): As the baby begins to differentiate between friends, family, and strangers, smiles become more selective. It is common for new faces to cause anxiety and even tears. Please do not feel embarrassed. It is a perfectly healthy development.

By 12 months (A Sense of Humor): Around a year old, the baby is starting to develop language skills and smiles are becoming more evident. Take advantage of this baby’s smile, because almost everything you do will be hilarious.

It is important to keep in mind that this is not a strict schedule. Babies are no different from adults when it comes to smiling or laughing.

Whether your child is an infant or a teen, we are here to attend to their oral health needs every step of the way. It is our goal to give your child a smile that will last a lifetime. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

Brushing Up On the Basics | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth, everyone knows the basics: brush and floss twice a day and avoid sugary treats. However, as with most professional advice, it’s easier said than done.

Why do so many of us still need dental treatment when we follow these instructions? There is more to preventing gum disease and tooth decay than the general guidelines may suggest. Here’s what you need to know about brushing.

The process of creating cavities

Just like any other living thing, sugar is a favorite food of bacteria. Sugar consumption by bacteria produces acids that can demineralize tooth enamel, leaving white chalky stains and microscopic holes that are not visible to the naked eye. If this process isn’t stopped or repaired, these holes can develop into cavities. 

Keeping your skills up-to-date

There is a science behind the techniques recommended for brushing teeth, which many people are unaware of. The way you do it makes a big difference in the results of your overall oral health. By brushing your teeth, you remove food particles and sticky bacteria buildup, more commonly known as plaque. In between your teeth and along your gum line, plaque forms as a result of bacteria, acids, and food remnants adhering to your enamel. In spite of the fact that this formation occurs naturally on the teeth after eating, it does not cause any damage until it reaches a certain level of maturity. A fair assessment would be that plaque takes at least more than 12 hours to develop and cling to the tooth.

Make your teeth a priority 

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes at a time 
  • It is recommended that you brush and floss at least twice a day—once in the morning, once at night after you have finished eating for the day, and if possible, after every meal. If you brush frequently, you may be preventing the bacteria from developing to the point where the most acid is produced and established.

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes

Are electric toothbrushes more effective than manual toothbrushes? Bottom line: it’s important to brush! If used correctly and efficiently, electronic toothbrushes can be more effective. It’s more about technique and thorough cleaning. A small toothbrush head tends to reach those hard-to-reach and awkward areas in the mouth. The best way to scrub surfaces without injuring sensitive gums or teeth is by using soft bristles.

Fluoride Toothpaste is Required!

When it comes to brushing success, the type of toothpaste used is very important. It is best to focus on fluoride as the key ingredient. According to research and evidence, fluoride, whether in toothpaste or mouthwash, will help prevent tooth decay because it can remineralize areas damaged by plaque and strengthen teeth. To achieve maximum benefit, dentists recommend toothpaste with 1350–1500 ppmF (parts per million fluoride concentration). It is important for parents to look at the back of the toothpaste tube, as some children’s toothpastes are not strong enough to provide the full benefits. Some pediatric dentists prescribe fluoride toothpastes with higher concentrations of fluoride for children who are at a higher risk for tooth decay. You may even be advised to use disclosing tablets available at your local supermarket. Plaque-coloring tablets or disclosing tablets highlight areas that a person may be missing while brushing and make them easier to see. Since plaque is tooth-colored, it is usually hard to see, but it can make your teeth look dull instead of shiny.

Brushing before bedtime is essential

It is common for individuals to produce less saliva at night than during the day. Due to this, a person’s teeth are less protected from saliva and are more susceptible to acid attacks while they sleep. Thus, nighttime brushing is the most important, and it is imperative to remove food from one’s teeth before bedtime in order to prevent plaque from feeding overnight. Fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash should be used at night so that they can do their job without interruption. When you have finished brushing, do not eat or drink anything afterward. This will allow the fluoride-protective minerals to be absorbed into your teeth. It can reduce tooth decay by up to 25%.

Avoid the ‘Free’ sugars

According to the World Health Organization and the NHS, “free” sugars should make up less than 5% of your daily calories. ‘Free’ sugars are chemically enhanced components added to foods by manufacturers. As a result of these additives, excessive tooth decay is caused. They are often supplemented with intrinsic sugars naturally found in fruit, honey, syrup, juices, etc.

Sugar consumption is affected by how much and how often you consume it. A tooth may be exposed to approximately four sugar hits per day before irreversible damage occurs. Fortunately, fluoride toothpaste and saliva can help your teeth recover from the early stages of these attacks. Maintaining a balance between sugar on one hand and fluoride toothpaste and proper tooth cleaning on the other is like balancing scales.

You can reduce your sugar intake by giving up adding sugar to hot beverages and limiting snacking. If you brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and spit instead of rinsing, the fluoride will bathe your teeth throughout the night. Do not eat or drink anything for thirty minutes after brushing your teeth in the morning, and limit your sugar consumption to four times per day.

Our pediatric dentist in Washington DC cares about your child’s oral health. Our goal is to ensure that they grow up with a healthy smile that will last them a lifetime. It is important for your child to have a dental cleaning and exam twice a year, in addition to practicing good oral hygiene at home. We are here to assist you. Please contact Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

Concerns About Oral Hygiene Among Athletes | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

A recent study published by the British Dental Journal indicates that although most athletes appear to be symbols of health and wellness on the surface, their oral hygiene is less than ideal compared to their peers. There are other factors that contribute to why elite athletes in particular tend to suffer from tooth-related ailments, leaving untreated tooth decay and gum inflammation more prevalent amongst them despite brushing and flossing regularly.

There is a simple and obvious reason for this. There is a tendency for athletes to refuel their active bodies with high-acid drinks, gels, and energy bars—all of which can weaken tooth enamel or damage teeth as a result of their high sugar content and added acidity.

According to the report, nearly half (49 percent) of the world’s top endurance athletes have untreated tooth decay, and most have early signs of gum inflammation. The scary part is… it has nothing to do with their oral hygiene. The same athletes who fell into this category demonstrated not only proper dental hygiene but also spent more time brushing and flossing than the general population. In addition to brushing their teeth at least twice a day, 94% of respondents floss daily.

Let’s break down the science and break the habits (not your teeth).

Sugar and acid, which are often added to sports drinks and gels, decalcify the surface of the tooth and dissolve the enamel. Cavities occur when the enamel on the tooth is impaired. Once enamel dissolves, it cannot be replenished or regenerated. As a result of this type of loss and decay, the tooth and overall oral health may be permanently damaged.

The risk of tarnishing the enamel doubles when athletes consume these types of drinks instead of H2O when hydrating and recharging. Sugar and starches are used as food by plaque, and acid is produced as a byproduct. Plaque buildup that is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing can cause additional decalcification, cavities, gum disease, and bone loss.

What have you learned so far? Avoid sports drinks and gels.

For hydration, choose water or other alternatives that are less acidic, such as natural juices without added preservatives. Alternatively, you may consider swishing water after each sip, drinking through a straw, and/or brushing and flossing after scheduled workouts when consumption of acidic drinks is frequent. You may also benefit from a fluoride rinse. Regularly visit the dentist for a professional cleaning and checkup every six months, or more often if recommended.

It should be noted that sodas, sweet teas, bubbly flavored water, and other carbonated beverages have a similar impact on your oral health.

In order for your child to grow up with a healthy and beautiful smile, our Washington DC pediatric dentist is here to help. Please contact Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry to schedule your child’s next appointment and help them maintain a healthy smile for life. 

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

Common Pediatric Dental Emergencies | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

In some cases, dental problems cannot wait until normal office hours to be resolved. Fillings that have broken or teeth that have been damaged are common reasons for emergency treatment. A toothache or an abscess may also require prompt medical attention. Your pediatric dentist can provide you with the information and treatment that you need to prevent the problem from becoming worse. While emergency dental care is usually just a phone call away, avoiding the need is always best. 

  • Abscess
  • Abscesses are bacterial infections that cause swelling and pain around the affected tooth and gum. In some cases, antibiotics are not necessary, but it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Leaving an infection untreated can lead to serious complications.
  • Toothache
  • For a number of reasons, it is possible to develop a sudden toothache. It is possible that a piece of food is stuck between your teeth and gum line, which is causing the pain. Rinsing your mouth with warm water is one of the first steps you can take. To dislodge the particles, you may also try gently flossing the area. Flossing should be stopped if bleeding occurs.
  • A toothache may be caused by a cavity in the tooth or by a fracture in the tooth. It is also possible to experience tooth pain as a result of sensitivity to heat or cold. A minor problem should be addressed as soon as possible in order to prevent it from becoming more serious. If you are experiencing pain prior to your visit, we may recommend acetaminophen or another pain reliever.
  • Here are some additional tips and treatments:
  • When you have fractured a tooth, rinse the area with warm water to keep the surfaces clean. To reduce swelling, apply a cold compress to the outside of your face.
  • It is important to keep a tooth that has been knocked out moist in a clean container until you can receive treatment.
  • Aspirin should not be applied directly to damaged teeth or gums as it can cause irritation.
  • Visit an emergency room if you suspect your jaw has been broken.
  • If you have bitten or damaged your lips or tongue, warm water should be used to rinse your mouth. Call us or seek medical attention immediately if the bleeding persists.

If your child has a dental emergency, our pediatric dentist in Washington DC is available to assist you. Regular dental visits twice a year for preventive care will help your children avoid the need for emergency treatment. To schedule your child’s next appointment, please contact our Washington DC Pediatric Dentist.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

How to Handle Your Child’s Fear of the Dentist | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

As a parent, you want your child’s dental visit to be a positive experience. Perhaps your child has been to the dentist before and had a bad experience. You may wonder how your toddler can survive a dental exam if he or she won’t even let you near their mouth with a toothbrush. Perhaps you have your own fears about the dentist, and now your preteen is showing those same anxieties.

Even though it may be tempting to skip your child’s next dental appointment, as a parent, you are aware of the importance of routine dental care. You can help ease your child’s fear of the dentist’s chair by following these tips.

1. Choosing the Right Dentist

In the case of an anxious child, finding a dentist who is experienced in working with children can make all the difference in the world. Therefore, we always recommend a board-certified pediatric dentist.

Pediatric dentists are specially trained to ease the fears of anxious children, to explain dental procedures in a non-scary way, and to work quickly (but thoroughly).

2. Adopt a calm, positive attitude.

No matter how old your child is, he or she can often sense what you’re feeling. Your child will likely pick up on your nervousness before his or her dentist appointment (or your own).

If you have had a negative experience with the dentist in the past, try to put those emotions aside. Use positive language while being honest with your child about what to expect. The goal of a dentist is not to cause pain but to relieve any pain and restore and protect a patient’s oral health in the long run.

You should never threaten your children with a trip to the dentist if they are not practicing good oral hygiene at home. Dental visits should never be viewed as punishment.

3. Practice good oral hygiene at home.

Make sure you model good oral hygiene at home. You should demonstrate to your child how you brush and floss. Consider bringing your child to your own dentist appointment just to observe.

If your children are very young, play the role of a dentist with them. If your children are good patients, you can reward them with stickers for taking turns being the dentist.

4. Make certain that the atmosphere is enjoyable.

You should choose a dental office that has a fun atmosphere that will engage your children and make them feel comfortable. You can rest assured that your child will be entertained during their visit to our pediatric dental office.

5. Dental sedation may be an option to consider.

It may be appropriate to consider dental sedation for children who are extremely anxious.

Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide, is a very safe sedative that allows children who are mildly nervous to feel calm while remaining awake.

An alternative option to nitrous oxide may be oral conscious sedation or general anesthesia if the dental treatment is extensive and the child cannot tolerate the treatment with repeated nitrous oxide treatments.

In order to find the best treatment option for the child, our pediatric dentist works closely with parents in order to inform them of all available options.

Kids can sometimes be nervous about going to the dentist, especially if they don’t know what to expect. We are here to make your child’s next visit to the dentist an enjoyable experience! Our pediatric dental office specializes in treating the unique needs of children. As a result of our team’s extensive experience, we are able to keep children calm, happy, and comfortable during their visits. Contact us today to schedule your child’s next appointment.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003

Is My Child Ready for Flossing? | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist


There is no doubt that flossing plays an instrumental role in maintaining good oral health. So, how do you know when your child is ready to start?Take a look at these flossing best practices to ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.

What is the best age for your child to start flossing?

The best time to begin flossing is between the ages of two and six, when the teeth begin to fit closely and two teeth touch. Try slipping a strand of dental floss between two teeth if you are unsure. When it sticks, you know the teeth are touching, and you’re ready to begin.

What are the benefits of flossing at such an early age?

Even though your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, maintaining their health is essential. This is because they are responsible for ensuring that the adult teeth are healthy when they emerge. As permanent teeth erupt, baby teeth hold the space needed for them to emerge and serve as guides. Additionally, they play an important role in the development of the jaws and muscles.

A baby tooth lost too early can cause the surrounding teeth to shift into the gap, resulting in crooked permanent teeth requiring orthodontic treatment later. By keeping your child’s teeth healthy, he or she will be able to chew with ease, which ensures they will get the proper nutrition. It will also help your child with speech development and ensure that they have a beautiful, healthy smile.

What are the benefits of flossing for your child’s oral health?

The purpose of flossing is to remove bacteria and debris from those hard-to-reach areas between your child’s teeth. Plaque accumulation can lead to gum disease and tooth decay if not addressed. You should keep in mind that flossing is not a substitute for brushing. Maintaining a healthy smile requires both. When you help your child develop proper oral hygiene practices at an early age, they are more likely to continue to take good care of their teeth and gums throughout their lives.

Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

Children need help flossing until about second or third grade, when they’re able to do it on their own. You should gently slide the floss between your child’s teeth and avoid snapping it down on the gum line. The piece of floss should be curved around each tooth and manipulated gently up and down the sides. Each time you move from one tooth to another, use a clean section of floss.

You can contact our trusted pediatric dental team to learn more about caring for your child’s oral health. Our team is committed to helping your child establish healthy oral health habits right from the start to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy smiles. We look forward to caring for your child’s dental needs. Contact our pediatric dental office today to schedule an appointment.

Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (202) 849-3292
650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20003