Pediatric Dentist Washington DC

Are Your Child’s Medications Affecting Their Oral Health? | Washington DC Children’s Dentist

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that about one in five children are currently taking prescription medications and more than half of them take vitamins or other dietary supplements.  Even though they are used as prescribed, your child may experience side effects from the medication that can impact their oral health. Always […]

How Safe are Dental X-Rays for Children? | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

X-rays, or radiographs, offer valuable information that can’t be seen with the naked eye. They can detect jaw and tooth abnormalities, tooth decay, and they offer a snapshot of one’s dental history. For your child, they can show incoming teeth that may pose a problem in the future and help avoid expensive treatment later.  A […]

Should You Take Your Child to the ER for Dental Problems? | 20003 Pediatric Dentist

If you have wondered if it’s ever a good idea to take your child to the emergency room for dental care, you are not alone: The American Dental Association estimates that every 15 seconds, someone goes to the ER for a dental emergency. That’s about 2.2 million patients per year. We understand that you want […]

Protect Your Child’s Teeth With Dental Sealants | Pediatric Dentist in Washington DC

During your visit, our pediatric dentist in 20003 may suggest dental sealants for your child. Sealants are a great way to prevent your child from developing tooth decay. Why Sealants? Sealants are essential to preventing tooth decay. They are applied to the back teeth, in the hard to reach places where decay is most likely […]

What Parents Should Know About Teething | Pediatric Dentist in 20003

Teething is a natural occurrence that is necessary for the growth of your child. Although it can be difficult to handle, our pediatric dentist in 20003 has information designed to help you to prepare for this stage in your child’s life. Common Teething Symptoms  There is a lot of misinformation out there about teething, so […]

Switching Your Baby from Bottles to Sippy Cups | 20003 Pediatric Dentist

Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, at some point you will want your baby to start drinking from a cup. It is not only healthy for your child’s overall development; it is better for their teeth.  While weaning can be a gradual process, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests putting the bottle away for good […]

5 Ways to Get Your Child to Care for Their Teeth | Pediatric Dentist Washington DC

For some parents, it can be challenging to get kids to practice at-home oral care unsupervised. However, the long-term benefits of an early start are worth the effort. Here are some tips to help you make oral health a fun part of your kid’s daily routine. 1. Let Them Choose Their Own Supplies Let your […]

The Best Age to Get Braces | Washington DC Pediatric Dentist

Braces can help create a straight, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Ideally, any corrections to the bite, jaw, or mouth structure should be performed during adolescence while the mouth is still forming. Here is what you need to know before your child begins treatment with braces. Does My Child Need Braces? You might be […]

7 Experiences Every Child Should Have Before Age 7 | Pediatric Dentist in Washington DC

As you have probably come to realize, children grow up quickly — sometimes too quickly. Make sure you savor each precious moment by giving them the gift of shared experiences. These should be meaningful but do not need to be elaborate. Here are seven things our dental team in Washington, DC suggests doing with your […]

When Should a Child’s Baby Teeth Be Removed? | 20003 Pediatric Dentist

An inevitable part of a child’s growth is that time when primary teeth, commonly known as baby teeth, fall out and adult teeth come in. For many children, primary teeth loosen and fall out on their own, but every child is different. When you bring your child in for an orthodontic evaluation, we take the […]